A New Scheme to Realize Crosstalk-Free Permutation in Vertically Stacked Optical MINs

X. Jiang, H. Shen, Md M. Khandker, S. Horiguchi

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Vertical stacking is a novel alternative for constructing nonblocking multistage interconnection networks (MINs). Rearrangeably nonblocking optical MINs are attractive since they have lower complexity than their strictly nonblocking counterparts. In this paper, we study the realization of crosstalk-free permutations in rearrangeably nonblocking, self-routing banyan-type optical MINs built on vertical stacking. An available scheme for realizing crosstalk-free permutation in this type of optical MINs requires to first decompose a permutation into multiple crosstalk-free partial permutations based on the Euler-Split technique, and then to realize them crosstalk-free in different planes (stacked copies) of the MIN simultaneously. The overall time complexity of this scheme to realize a crosstalk-free permutation in an N × N optical MIN is O(N log N) which is dominated by the complexity of crosstalk-free decomposition. In this paper, we propose a new scheme for realizing permutations in this class of vertically stacked optical MINs crosstalk-free. The basic idea of the new scheme is to classify permutations into permutation classes such that all permutations in one class share the same crosstalk-free decomposition pattern. By running the Euler-Split based crosstalk-free decomposition only once for a permutation class and applying the obtained crosstalk-free decomposition pattern to all permutations in the class, crosstalk-free decomposition of permutations can be realized in a more efficient way. We show that the number of permutations in a permutation class is huge (at least (√N!)√N when log2 N is even and (√2N!)√N/2 when log2 N is odd), and thus the average time complexity of crosstalk-free decomposition of a permutation becomes O(N).

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)89-102
Number of pages14
JournalPhotonic Network Communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2003
Externally publishedYes


  • Banyan network
  • Optical crosstalk
  • Optical switch
  • Rearrangeably nonblocking


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