Green project management from employees' perspective in Hong Kong's engineering and construction sectors

Wai Ming To, K. H. Lam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose: The study investigates employees’ perceptions of green project management in Hong Kong's engineering and construction sectors. Design/methodology/approach: Green project management attributes were identified and categorized in terms of organization and process aspects based on a literature review. A questionnaire was developed to collect responses from employees working in Hong Kong's engineering and construction sectors. Findings: Respondents perceived “using Design for Environment approach,” “training employees about green project management” and “recycling the used or excessive materials/components” as the most important attributes. Generally, females gave higher importance ratings than males to most attributes. Respondents who had higher education qualifications or held senior positions perceived green project management attributes as more important than their counterparts with lower education qualifications or in lower positions. Green project management was found to have four distinct factors: “Management Commitment,” “Green Technologies and Processes,” “Green Partnerships” and “External Communication.” Originality/value: The study is one of the first empirical works on green project management in Hong Kong's engineering and construction sectors. It demonstrates that green project management should be characterized as a multidimensional concept.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1890-1907
Number of pages18
JournalEngineering, Construction and Architectural Management
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 8 Apr 2022


  • Green project management
  • Hong Kong
  • Importance rating
  • Organization attributes
  • Process attributes


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