HEDN: multi-oriented hierarchical extraction and dual-frequency decoupling network for 3D medical image segmentation

Yu Wang, Guoheng Huang, Zeng Lu, Ying Wang, Xuhang Chen, Xiaochen Yuan, Yan Li, Jieni Liu, Yingping Huang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Abstract: Previous 3D encoder-decoder segmentation architectures struggled with fine-grained feature decomposition, resulting in unclear feature hierarchies when fused across layers. Furthermore, the blurred nature of contour boundaries in medical imaging limits the focus on high-frequency contour features. To address these challenges, we propose a Multi-oriented Hierarchical Extraction and Dual-frequency Decoupling Network (HEDN), which consists of three modules: Encoder-Decoder Module (E-DM), Multi-oriented Hierarchical Extraction Module (Multi-HEM), and Dual-frequency Decoupling Module (Dual-DM). The E-DM performs the basic encoding and decoding tasks, while Multi-HEM decomposes and fuses spatial and slice-level features in 3D, enriching the feature hierarchy by weighting them through 3D fusion. Dual-DM separates high-frequency features from the reconstructed network using self-supervision. Finally, the self-supervised high-frequency features separated by Dual-DM are inserted into the process following Multi-HEM, enhancing interactions and complementarities between contour features and hierarchical features, thereby mutually reinforcing both aspects. On the Synapse dataset, HEDN outperforms existing methods, boosting Dice Similarity Score (DSC) by 1.38% and decreasing 95% Hausdorff Distance (HD95) by 1.03 mm. Likewise, on the Automatic Cardiac Diagnosis Challenge (ACDC) dataset, HEDN achieves 0.5% performance gains across all categories.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)267-291
Number of pages25
JournalMedical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2025


  • 3D medical image segmentation
  • Dual-frequency decoupling
  • Encoder-decoder architecture
  • Multi-oriented hierarchical extraction


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