Characteristics of Gambling Helpline Callers in Macao: A Regional Comparison

Wongkun Manian, Xiangping Li, Zhonglu Zeng, Xing Wang

研究成果: Article同行評審


Despite the continued focus on profiling gambling helpline callers, little is known about the characteristics of callers in Macao. To address this gap, this study aims to investigate the characteristics of problem gamblers calling the helpline in Macao and explore the regional differences between callers from Macao, mainland China, and Hong Kong. Specifically, the study examined their demographics, helpline usage, and gambling-related characteristics. The study used data collected by SKHSSCO between 2015 and 2021. The results showed that, at the aggregate level, the helpline callers in Macao were male, young, and full-time employees. The majority used the telephone and reported problems with casino table games. In addition, the referral rate was relatively low, while the rate of suicidal ideation was comparatively high. The results also revealed that callers from Macao, mainland China, and Hong Kong were notably distinct in these characteristics. The findings shed light on how to increase helpline accessibility and create tailored interventions and prevention efforts to better support individuals affected by problem gambling.

期刊Journal of Gambling Studies
出版狀態Accepted/In press - 2024


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